3° Prize - Category Shopping and office centres (large surfaces)

Blank Architects(“Troyka” shopping centre Moscow (RUS), 2007)

Blank Architects | Casalgrande Padana

The interiors project defines a complex architectural organism, permeated by a complex network of paths and connections between levels, all of which are in constant visual interaction one with the other. The ceramic surface dynamic but at the same time unified design follows the curvy development of the spaces, further highlighting the architecture expression features. The flooring concentrates and dilutes matching soft shades of grey and sophisticated warm colours with different finishes.

Blank Architects-0 | Casalgrande Padana
Blank Architects-0 | Casalgrande Padana
Blank Architects-1 | Casalgrande Padana
Blank Architects-1 | Casalgrande Padana
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